Monday, August 2, 2010


The cost of eating out for lunch can get so expensive.  I bring my lunch to work every day.  Long gone are the boring sandwiches for "brown bagging it".  Instead, I make extra when making dinner and set a bowl aside to bring to work for the next day's lunch.  Last Sunday I made a big thing of homemade chicken alfredo.  I made plenty so we could have plenty to eat, as I invited my friend and my parents over to enjoy dinner with us.  I also planned on the kids and I to eat it for dinner the next night.  And I still managed to have plenty to bring for lunch during the week.  Let's just say it turned out great.  It sure was great enjoying it last week during the day at work.  And it sure saves money compared to eating out.

The other thing that most people don't account as an added expense when eating out for lunch is the additional gas and lack of time during your lunch break.  The overcrowded line to the drive thru, all the cars on the road racing to get somewhere for lunch, if you are speeding to get there (you better not be!!! ;)  )the chance of a speeding ticket, the time it takes to get your food and eat it.  If you are at a sit down restaurant for lunch, the additional money required for a tip.  (Just to name a few)

What is the average lunch when you eat out?  $5-$10 per day?  Instead, why don't you pack a lunch.  You'll notice a change in your wallet.  Make extra for dinner, so you can bring lunch the next day.  Hate leftovers?  You could always pack a sandwich, or cheap microwavable dinners that you like.  Today I had a yummy rice casserole that I made last night.  I think it tasted better the next day.  Mmmmmm.  And I love that I didn't have to spend more money in our food budget by eating out for lunch.  And, not to mention, at my office, I can't leave to go out for lunch.  I am the only one here and I have to be here in case the phone rings.  I have to admit, that is a good push to keep bringing my lunch because I can't just leave and grab lunch ;)

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