Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Ugly "B" Word

The ugly "B" word crossed my mind the other day.  You know that big, ugly word that starts with a b?  No silly.  Not that one.  Come on this is me you are talking to. Not the word that defines a female dog.  The big B word that most of us all cringe at the thought of.  Budget

I will admit that I do NOT have a budget.  I know that might sound really weird to some of you.  I know so many people who live by their budget.  I know others who don't have one at all.  What works for you?

I am extremely frugal and smart money-wise.  However, I don't really know where on earth it is all going.  Don't get me wrong- I have a rough idea.  Upon further thought process though, I really have no clue. 

This week I think I am going to get a binder and start recording all my spending.  If I don't know where my money is currently going, how do I plan to plan?  What does your budget look like per month?  How did you come upon the decisions on paper? 

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